CfIR, Center for Injury Research:CfIR was established in 2001. CfIR performs crashworthiness and biomechanical engineering research aimed at saving lives and mitigating injury.
SAFE Association: The mission of SAFE is the preservation of human life. It's primary objective is to stimulate research and development in the fields of safety and survival, to establish and maintain a meaningful relationship with the government, industry and the scientific communities and disseminate that information.
IIHS, Insurance Institute of Highway Safety: IIHS is a U.S. non-profit organization funded by auto insurers. Its mission to reduce the number of motor vehicle crashes, injuries and amount of property damage in the crashes that still occur. IIHS performs research to produce ratings for vehicles as well as for consumer restraint systems products.
Government Websites
NHTSA, National Hightway Traffic Safety Administration: NHTSA is charged with writing and enforcing safety standards and test protocols for motor vehicles. NHTSA assists in the development and regulation of the anthropomorphic dummies used in safety testing. NHTSA also licenses vehicle manufacturers and importers, regulates the import of vehicles and safety-regulated vehicle parts, and administers the VIN and vehicle and parts recall system. SaferCar is NHTSA's source of government vehicle Star Ratings and safety information.
Industry Websites
ASME, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers Friedman Research Corporation: FRC conducts leading-edge research to protect people under impact and blast conditions with the vision of supporting manufacturers and suppliers in the development of new products and design approaches.